If you are embarking on a bathroom, kitchen, or general remodeling project, it’s vital you consider all elements of the project in order to accurately provide an estimate for costs and timing. Our customizable remodel estimate template for bathroom, kitchen, and general covers all the essentials.
Any home improvement project with a reputable contractor starts with a plan. Put all the elements of the project, including the scope of work, timeline, and cost projections into our home improvement estimate template and customize as needed.
*Depending on where your business is located, you may need to add specific legal terms, language, and/or clauses not included in this template. We recommend consulting a lawyer or legal service about what legal copy to include.
When you’re juggling lots of different remodeling or home improvement jobs, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all you have to do. Putting a system in place to manage all your estimates will go a long way toward keeping you organized and on track, so you can focus on other parts of your business.
Here, we offer you a few ways to effectively manage your remodeling and home improvement estimates.
Using a bid/estimate management system is a valuable, time-saving way to keep you organized. It will also significantly cut down on the amount of paper you have floating around and need to keep track of and file.
What’s more, a document management system can help you smooth out the remodeling/home improvement sales process from start to finish. You can create, organize, and store your estimates, contracts, service documents, job-related photos, and more in one central place.
Everything is right where you need it and easy to share with your crews and customers.
You created the estimate, emailed it to your prospective customer and now you’re just waiting. And waiting. Did you know that 80% of sales can require an average of five follow ups in order to finalize the deal?
Don’t leave any potential jobs or money on the table—if you don’t hear anything back about the remodeling or home improvement estimate you’ve sent, be persistent and send a follow-up email. It’s always possible the customer meant to get back to you, or maybe your follow up will help nudge them along.
Incorporate following up on estimates and bids as a best practice for handling estimates. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure you close the sale.
So, your customer has accepted the estimate. Now you need to make sure the job actually happens. One method for ensuring the job isn’t canceled or postponed is to require a deposit.
In the end, deposits can save you time and reduce back and forth with your clients as you gear up for a job. And collecting deposits upfront is easy if you use remodeling payment software. Clients can pay you in the field or online—whichever they prefer. This will help you get paid quickly and get started working.
Home improvement and remodeling contractors need to create estimates for several vital reasons. An estimate:
There’s no one way to write a home improvement or remodeling estimate, but there are certain elements you can account for that will help guide you in the process. You can also use a home improvement estimate template or remodeling estimate template to simplify the process and help ensure that you cover all the necessary elements.
When you’re ready to create a home improvement or remodeling estimate, here are the steps that will take you from assessing the project to getting your bid accepted:
By including all these elements in a home improvement or remodeling estimate, you and your customers can have a clear understanding of the work to be done, the payment terms, and other important aspects of the project. All of this can help ensure a smooth and successful outcome.
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